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extremely aggressive senegal

23 10:05:31

Bartleby, who is 17, has been very aggressive twice lately toward me.  He seems to flip from pleasant interaction to attack: flying at me, attacking my body, hands, and arms in a kind of frenzy. Of note; he is fine with my husband; we have had a young lovebird for the past 8 months. Although the 2 birds are in separate cages they are housed close to one another and interact verbally.  Thank you for your help.  We are perplexed.

First of all he needs his wings clipped. Flight is a privilege and if he is flying and attacking then he needs to lose that privilege. If he has never acted this way before I would be concerned that he is reacting this way from the lovebird. Especially if he has seen you interacting with the lovebird. That causes jealousy. Also, he could be protecting your husband, he could think of your husband as a mate and he protects his mate. I see that happen a lot. I would make him stay in his cage when he acts like this and for sure clip his wings. From now on you should be the one to give him treat and feed him so he knows you are providing the food.