Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > BABY PARROTS


23 10:31:12

I was wondering if there was an expert parrot breeder that can help me in taking care of a baby parrot? I have not gotten one yet but I plan to very soon. I was wondering what to feed it? I have done research and I believe its some kind of formula but I dont know what kind or where to get it. Also at what temperature should I keep the baby parrot? As I am buying it out of the nest. Thanks.

Hi, Eddie.  Thanks for posting.

I've handfed hundreds of baby parrots.  It is very important that you do not buy a baby parrot until you learn as much as you can about how to care for one, especially one you will handfeed.  It's not as simple as putting feed in your hand and letting the baby eat it!  Actually, I don't think very highly of a breeder or pet store that would sell you a baby that wasn't yet weaned.

If a baby is still being handfed, you need to feed it baby parrot handfeeding formula (Kaytee Exact, Pretty Bird, Hagen, etc...there are many brands).  You would feed the baby the formula using a handfeeding syringe.  Both should be available at local pet stores who cater to pet birds and definitely on the internet.  

Visit my website for all the information you need to know and come back with any questions:
