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feather loss in cockatiel

23 10:15:49

1 week ago a young cockatiel flew  into our yard scared, hungry and thirsty. I noticed feathers missing evenly around both his eyes - between the eyes and beak which in the last 2 days has appears dry and bald. Also in the last 2 days the bald patch on the back of his head is larger.
What is going on do you think and have you any ideas on how to help.
I have bought a new cage, provided filtered water, different
seeds, apple, thistle plants, spinach and natural grass plants in seed. I have placed him in dabled light today and put the sprinkler on for him to have a wash and made sure there are no draughts whilst he dried off.
He is slowly becoming very affectionate though I feel something is wrong

Hello Tania,
Thankyou for saving a bird,without your help he could have died.
The bald patch may meen he is a lutino mutation (what colour is he?)
He will be recovering this moment in time and you will find his health will increse over the next few weeks,
Dont  worrie about the feather loss as this will be stress from escaping,but when he settles the feathers should grow back.
Thanks and good luck,