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hand raising and tameing my parrots

23 10:30:57

thank you for your fast response only one last question lololol how many eggs can this poor girl have ? we have been doing as I have read and leaving the box alone but had a chance to sneak a peek and low and behold 7 eggs this is gonna be alot of fun not worried about the work lol but WOW lol thank you for all your help ......bob

Followup To

Question -
hello, I have hand raised and tamed several tiels over the yrs but this is differant. This is the first time we are trying to do our amazon lilacs this is the first clutch they have had with us " although they have had others before we got them, my question is . at what age do you suggest that I pull them from the nest and begin to hand feed, will the ktee food I have been useing for the tiels work for my parrot babies too? Any help you can give is greatly appreciated thank you ......bob

Answer -
Hello Bob and thank you for your questions,

Firstly congrats on the new clutch. Taking them out for handrearing I'd wait until 10 days to 2 weeks of age before doing so it gives them a good headstart with there ma'ma lol. Kaytee is a fine handrearing formula and is suitable for anytype of captive parrot.

Your welcome Bob, I must let you know I have no persoanl experiance with amozons let alone breeding them but you question didnt pretail to anything really needing persoanl exericane with the amozons.... I am sorry I can not help you further but if it helps any I think large parrots such as amozons lay ussally less then that around 4 or 5.