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How much attention is enough for my ringneck?

23 10:30:58

I recently purchased a male Indian ringneck baby (10 wks old).  I've read alot about making sure you pay attention to it and handle it, but exactly how much attention does he need. I take him out of the cage at least 2-3 times a day,unfortunately sometimes it's only for 15 minutes or so.  I work 5 days a week and I leave a television on for him during the day.  Also, he is starting to bite me (and harder than usual). Is this the "bluffing" stage or should I be concerned.  He was recently weaned.

Sally Blanchard ( recommends a minimum of two hours out of cage time daily. And it is also recommended to give at least 15 minutes of quality one-on-one time (where your attention is soley on your bird.) You can play games, trick train your bird, etc. during this quality time. During the other two hours, the bird could be on a playpen getting exercise while you do chores, watch TV, etc.. But your bird will still feel like he is apart of the "flock activities." :)

And as for the biting issues, here are some articles that should help you:

I hope this helps.
