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my african greys nostril..

23 10:15:48

hi, i have a african grey parrot and over the last few days he has just got a lump on his nostril and his nostril has got a bit bigger... im really unsure wot to do... can u help please??

Hello Kristi and thank you for your post.
The best thing to do is to take your bird in to a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet to have him checked.  He could've scratched his nostril on something and it is getting infected, or he could be getting a respiratory infection from something.  An Avian Vet or Exotic Animal Vet will be able to figure out what the swelling is caused from and treat it successfully.
If your bird starts to act lethargic, or your notice any changes in him (sitting puffed up for long periods of time, unusually crabby, not eating/drinking, etc.), get him in to be seen right away.
Until you can get him in to be seen, try to keep him calm and warm.  If he has an infection, if he gets upset or is active, this could spread the infection throughout his body faster.

Please keep me updated on how he's doing.

Good luck and God Bless.