Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > my baby indian ringneck

my baby indian ringneck

23 10:18:09

hi :)

I recently got a baby green indian ringneck. i have a few quries:

a...i cant find his age.. he has green feathers on his wing...small green minnie tail..pinkish beak and no other feather...any guess?

b...I am feeding him with a syrienge...since i do not know his exact age i cant follow any char tor some thing so whta shud i assume? the guy who sold me didnt knew either

c. When should i intorduce him to solid foods?

plz need help


You should be consulting an avian vet about this. Because I cannot see your bird or monitor his health or how well he is eating now (or how you are even preparing the formula and its consistence), it is hard for me to give you an idea of how much to feed your bird.

Unfortunately, someone should not have sold you a bird this young. Hand-feeding improperly can kill a bird (or injure them, or cause for behavioral problems later in life), so it is important to talk with a vet about this young baby.

You can find an avian vet in your area by searching these websites:

or try

I hope this helps.
