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Help! 6 year old lovebird with constant 6 year problem.

23 10:12:52

I haven't found any answer to this online. My lovebird likes to mate with anything soft in the house. I gave him a soft bird hut since he is always alone and the other birds in the pet store were trying to kill him therefore I have never tried putting him with another bird.  I know birds have a certain time of the year where they breed but my bird does it year around, all day, everday.  He regurgitate on it too like birds do when they share food so I have to buy him a new hug every 2 weeks.  This makes his cage smell and the feathers around his eyes not grow  back.  I'm not sure if this will cause him to not live very long. Should I take him to the vet to get him to minimize him doing this? Please help, any suggestions would be wonderful.  Thank you


Dear Alyssa,
thank you for your question.
There is no way to minimize this except getting a partner of his own species for your bird, all parrots are extremely social. He's lonely and will accept any substitute for a female, such as toy birds ect., but that's not really a solution. Apart from his mental condition, this can also become a serious health problem since constant regurgitating of food can cause a crop infection. Let a vet check him for that. Many lonely birds also start to pull out their feathers.
Lovebirds are choosy about their partners and won't accept any bird that you put in the cage. The best way is to give the bird to a good breeder or maybe an avian rescue centre and let it choose a mate there.
I hope I was of some help to you