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Cockatiel Attachment

23 10:32:43

Okay My bird Pigwidgeon or Pig for short likes being around our other bird,Lilo, a lot but this makes it impossible to spend time with just him or just Lilo.  And this is an especially bad thing when Lilo is nesting because he won't want to leave the cage while Lilo is sitting on her eggs.  What is a good way to get my bird a little less attached to Lilo and more attached to the people in the house.

Hello Melissa, I am sorry but he will never give up his mate for you or other family members, That is why a singel bird is most commanly kept as a compantion/pet as it becomes attached to humans and not other birds. If he is at lest letting you handle him now I'd consider it a privlge as ussally when more then one bird of the same type are kept they completly ignore there owners. If you truely want a friendly cuddley pet maybe try getting a budgie/ handfed love bird or other small parrot and taking it out daily, as long as you don't give it another bird of the same type to "play with" it will stay attached to you.