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Rambo and Baby

23 10:17:52

Ok i have a question about them Baby is so sweet and nice and even gives kisses but on the other hand Rambo is Just the opposite he is mean how can i get him to trust me i just got them both a few days ago and today he just came out of his cage but he still will not let me touch him what is the easiest way to get his trust? can you please let me know thanks Diana

Hello Diana and thank you for your post.
Birds are like people.  Each one has their own personality.  Try taking Rambo into a room, away from Baby.  This should be a room that you spend a lot of your time in.  Talk to him in a calm, gentle voice.  This could take several days or weeks (I have one bird that took me almost 2 years), but when he realizes that you are not going to hurt him, he will start trusting you.  Do not put your hand into his cage.  This is HIS territory and the trust that you do create with him could be broken.  Let him come to you.  You can even try coaxing him with his favorite treat, and when he does something that you want him to do, reward and praise him RIGHT AWAY.  He'll soon learn that you are not going to hurt him, and once he starts getting the trust in you, it will continue to build.

Good luck and God Bless.