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constant molting ??

23 10:15:06

I thought parrots molted only a couple times a year ?  I have a red lored
amazon, not sure of his age, that I rescued from a wire cage in a barn 5 years
ago.  He came to me unhealthy and was not a feather plucker but his
remaining feathers were in bad shape. After a few months of decent food his
feathers started to grow back and he seems to always be molting.  Covered in
pin feathers and "down" I would call it.  Other than that he's healthy, but is
his constant excessive feather renewal normal ?

It can be a sign of sickness, but some birds do constantly molt. They don't lose all of their feathers at once, they lose a few at a time and will lose more as the first ones start to grow back in. It sounds completely normal, just make sure you don't start seeing fuzzy or bald spots because that is a sign of plucking.