Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Parrots > my parakeet has injured his feet

my parakeet has injured his feet

23 10:29:16

I was just wondering what i can do to help my parakeets feet? because i woke up real late one night and i noticed that my bird was laying at the bottom of the cage so i didnt really think anything next morning i went to put my hand in there and he was still at the bottom of the cage.Usually when i put my hand in there he trys to hurry up and climb up the cage.But this time he kept on slipping down because his feet are all crumbled up like in a he just keeps on laying on his stomach and i have another one that is fine it seems to fight with bird sometimes and also kisses it to be nice.But i was thinkin he was playing with these little balls with bells in it and it has littles holes on it hanging from the cage.I thought he probally caught his feet on it.Or i dont know i also let them walk around my bedroom that same night i left the cage open so i dont know what to do.

Dear Marissa,
thank you for your question.
Please see an avian vet with your budgie as soon as possible. He might have had a stroke or a tumor causes the paralysis. I cannot give any advice on this because I have no medical training and only a vet can find out what's wrong.
I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help to you