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African Grey Parrot and chicken wings

23 10:33:01

Dear Chrys,

  First, thank you for any help you can give. My girlfriend and I have an African Grey a little over a year old that we weaned ourselves. ( What a job) Someone told her that it was safe to give them chicken wings and crab claws to eat and that they are not harmful to them. Can you please let me know if you have ever heard that or if you know that it is not safe or healthy at all.

Thank you  

Hi, Josh.  Thanks for posting.

A parrot can have anything humans eat that is HEALTHY AND NUTRITIOUS, except chocolate (baker's chocolate actually, but all chocolate has caffeine), caffeine, sugar (limit), salt (limit), avacado, citrus seeds...check internet for more.  Chicken BONES (the meat is OK, but not the chicken skin) are good because the parrots eat the bone marrow, which is highly nutritious (turkey, etc., bones, too).  I don't know about crab claws, but as long as they are nutritious and the bird will eat it, no problem!  Some of my parrots like shrimp.  I give my parrots chicken leg bones and they love them!  
