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Red-lored Amazon

23 10:34:31

Hi Barbara! I recently added a five month old amazon to my home ( I have an African Grey). She's been home for about 3 weeks. She's very quiet. She doesn't whistle and when she steps up she seems very unsure and hesitant. She is eating pretty good and drinking. She plays with her toys. But because she is so quiet I just wanted to make sure that this was normal. My grey was 9mo old when I first brought her home, so this is the youngest bird I've cared for. Any advice is appreciated.

Hi Stephanie

yes this is normal, you are new to her and your home is new plus she is a very  young bird. how much do you know about amazon birds.  I would do alot of reading  and remember these birds live to be 50 75 years old. it will take time for her to feel at home with you.
take care
learn as much as you can about your birds
a good diet and lots of handleing and talking too.
love they are alot like babies and young children.
take care Barbara