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Query on parrots

23 10:15:35

I am having a female parrot at my residence since last 2 years. Currently she has layed 2 eggs (each layed after interval of 2 days). The query I am having is that I do not have any male parrot with me. Once in month of March I have given her to my freinds place as I was out of station. My freind is having a male parrot with him. Is it possible that if they mate in month of april and she can lays the egg in month of october. How can I know if the eggs are fertile or not. She used to hatch the eggs continuously. She even dont stand for the food. In how many days the eggs can hatch ? If I want to procure a bird from you, what is the procedure as you need to send it to me to INDIA

Hi, Lalu,

Your female is laying infertile eggs due to hormonal activity.  The eggs will not hatch.  Just let her keep her eggs until she abandons them on her own.  Otherwise, she'll just keep laying and laying, and this is not good for her.  Once she abandons them, you can remove and destroy them.  No, if she had successfully mated with another parrot, those eggs would have been laid shortly  after mating with that bird.

I don't ship parrots that I breed and handfeed.  I only sell to local customers or those that will come to my town in order to pick up their birds.  
