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Raising parrot from egg

23 10:18:29

We are considering raising a lilac crowned amazon from an egg.  Where can I get step by step instructions on how to do this properly, and produce a healthy bird.  Our only purpose is to have a happy, healthy, family bird.

Hi, Sheryl.

I've never found step-by-step instructions for raising a parrot from an egg.  Your best bet is to purchase a just weaned, handfed, baby amazon from a parrot breeder.  Raising a parrot from an egg isn't easy at all.  You have to incubate the fertilized egg properly in an incubator, you'll need to handfeed this baby from day 1 which is not an easy task considering the baby will be quite small (baby would need to be handfeed about every 2 hours round the clock for about the first 7 days at least, even through the night), then handfed every 3-4 hours from then on until weaning time, then you need to go through the weaning process when the bird is about 4-6 weeks old.  Lots involved, lots of knowledge required about what you would be doing, no guarantees a baby would survive, where would you get viable egg, etc.  Raising baby parrots from an egg is a challenge even for experienced parrot breeders.  
