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amazon porrot (minty)

23 10:18:18

minty was badly treated before we had him. he/she was about 2 or 3 years and minty will feed from our hands.also minty does say some words. Minty is never in the cage during the day,only at night time and he will go in by self.He enjoys beinging spoken to etc.But DOES NOT like to be handled.For the past year we have followed all instructions in books etc but still NO progress. can you advice us what we are doing wrong or why minty does not like any contact

It sounds like you've come a very long way with this lucky bird.  You know, some birds aren't much for handling no matter what. At best you can expect them to sit on your lap or the chair with you, accepting a few 'pick up and delivery' rides from here to there in between.
 I've found that Amazons are very much like this (along with macaws and some others). Remarkably your bird will accept food from your hand without you needing to count your fingers afterward :o
 You're also doing an EXCELLENT job with the 'out of cage' time and having the nighttime caging security.

Don't give up though. Since Minty has a lifespan expectancy of more than 50 years when well cared for, 2 or 3 years is still 'early' in your care.  
We are always amazed at how all of our birds continually learn new things and UNlearn things that are best not remembered (all of them are rescues).

 You can see us and our in house girls (Sadie and Cookie) at (click on 'birds')

 And write to me any time for any reason - I'm behind you and Minty all the way!