Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Turles


22 16:48:08

I am planning on buying my girlfriend a pet turtle, but have a few questions:
1) Should I get two, or are they not social creatures?
2) I plan on getting a 30-40 gallon aquarium, a bottom heat source and overhead heat source, a full- spectrum light, a couple of thermometers, a timer for the heat sources and a timer for the light, some food and a water vessel. Is there anything I'm missing?

Thanks for your help

They are moderately social- they seem to appreciate company but do not seem to require it. Understand that the larger the 'herd', the more logistical issues.

As far as supplies go- it would help to know the species you are interested in. For example- water turtles don't need food or water containers.

Your basic plan sounds good. Just do some good research on the desired species and you should be good to go.

A decent 'one stop' website to start at is