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my red footed tortoise

22 16:13:25

well i recently acquired a red foot and she or he (not sure) keeps making a popping sound and its always 3 at a time. i adore her and i want what's best for her so any advice on a habitat and food anything would be sooooo helpful. i want to know all i can to give him or her a great life.      
sincerely , eager to learn

It would be easier to give solid advice if I knew how big it was, and what your cares are.

In general, however, a lot of Red-foots (including two of mine), make popping noises at certain times. One of mine does it more often when eating fruit and other people report that theirs does it under other conditions.

If the cares are solid and it can obviously eat properly, I would not worry about it.

For cares in general, try