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rabbit is bleeding

22 11:34:41

Our rabbit is bleeding her toe nail fell off. what do we do ?  She is chattering her teeth

First, Sorry I was out of contact with the computer for two days since your call. I amm sure it was traumatic, but rpobably more for you than for the rabbit. this is not an uncommon occurrence. It happens at mearly every rabbit show when the rabbits get nails caught in carpeting loops on the show tables. It is usually a minor occurrence from a health perspective. By now, she is probably OK, and the bleeding has certainly stopped. She will lick it and clean it until all is OK. If she were a show rabbit, it may be an issue as she could not be shown, unless it grows back. If she is a pet, then she is just going to need to live without it..not a big deal.

The chattering of teeth is a new one for me, and I am unsure what causes that. It may be cause and effect, but it also may be due to something totally separate. Did you know that rabbits teeth comtinually grow through their entire lifetime (?) and by having them grind against each other (Tops against bottoms)they keep short and usable. If a rabbit ever has the lower jaw get dislocated,(by pulling on cage wire or whatever) the bite is offset and the teeth continue to grow very erratically. If the owner doesn't clip them off about monthly, the rabbit can die from eventual starvation.  Hope all is well with your rabbit, and sorry this wasn't timely. (I work and am occasionally on the road, as was the case from Saturday to this morning.) Best wishes, Steve