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Pregnet Rabbit

22 10:48:31

Hello there,
I have some questions on my pregnet rabbit. She is laying down all the time and isn't eating or drinking as much and she is just not normal. Please e-mail me back thanks erika


How far along is she? Rabbits have a gestation period of 28-32 days. If she is nearly the end of her pregnancy, she may just be resting more than usual. I notice that my larger breeds tend to rest more in the days before giving birth.

Also, a few days before kindling (giving birth) it is recommended that her pellets are slightly reduced. You can still give her as much timothy hay as she needs.

If she is actually nearing the end of her pregnancy and she is slightly lazy and eating and drinking less, I would keep an eye on her, but not be completely alarmed. If she is not ready to kindle or the condition continues or even worsens, you will want to see a good rabbit veterinarian. Although everything you have mentioned is important, keep an extra eye on her water consumption and make sure she is not dehydrated.

I'm going to include some links about breeding rabbits. Good luck and keep me posted! :)