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How do you trim nails so they wont scratch you?

22 10:59:32

My hands and wrists are all scratched up from handling the kits.  They are big and strong enough now to break the skin with their sharp nails. Am I handling them incorrectly or should I just wear gloves?

I cut the tips off but they are still very sharp and still scratches.  

Is there a way to get the nails to stick out like you can with a cat's paw?  They will suddenly go limp when I'm just about to cut so I have to hold each toe individually to trim the nail.

Hi Tom

Welcome to the wonderful world of raising rabbits.  Rabbits nails are sharp and there isn't a rabbit breeder out there that doesn't have scars from being scratched.  You probably aren't holding them wrong so much as they just aren't used to being held.  

Even if you do cut the tips off they stay pretty sharp.  They don't retract their nails like cats do you should keep holding each toe separate when you cut the nail.  It will reduce the chance of the rabbit moving and you cutting to deep.

If this is your first experience with rabbits I promise you it will get better.  When taking bigger rabbits (bigger than a handful, like a baby) Try taking them out butt first and if your intention is to hold them bring them right to your chest not letting their feet hang.  I always hold on to their rump so they feel secure.  When you put them back in the cage again go butt first.  It takes practice but you will find ways that work best for you.

You don't necessarily need to wear gloves but it is always wise to wear a long sleeved, heavy-weight shirt.. and make sure it is one that you don't care about because if they try to scratch through it, it might end up ripped.

Next time you have kits start playing with them as soon as they have hair and their eyes are open.  They say that the nature of a rabbit has a lot to do with how it was handled as a baby.  Some people think because they are so small that they don't want to hurt them or are afraid their mother will get angry or such.  The mother might seem like she is angry at first but she calms right back down as soon as you put the little ones back.

Good luck to you
