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rabbit stools

22 10:37:57

hi my rabbit has oval stools like sticky bottom where they normally go in liyyer tray he has them on his fur, i clean the area and dry it, he has gone off his pellets but is still eating fresh vegetables and drinking, his eyes r clear and he is still jumping around, i did move his cage around but have changed it  back, i have checked his teeth and nails an d they r fine, is it his diet and shouls i introduce new pellets slowly

Dear Heidi,

Please read:

for an explanation of the soft stool problem.  The most common causes are incorrect diet:

and dental problems (which also are indicated by picky eating habits):

You won't be able to see anything but the front teeth (incisors) if you look by yourself.  It requires the expertise of a good rabbit vet:

to look deep into the mouth with an otoscope and spy any problems with the *molars* that are the usual and most common source of this type of thing.

Introduce any new food items gradually, as per the article above.

I hope this helps.
