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A Brown Nose on my Parakeet

21 16:30:48

Hello, my parakeet Pearl has a brown nose, this normaly wouldn't bother me I would just say she is female. However it is leathery and looks like it is rather large compared to my other parakeets. Also she has never grown in her secondary flight feathers. I am concerned is this something you have ever heard of?  

Dear Melissa,
thank you for your question.
It might be that Pearl is suffering form hyperkeratosis, which would cause her nose to look like this:
Hyperkeratosis is harmless, it's just like fingernails growing too long and doesn't have to be treated unless the growth covers the nose.
I recommend that you see an avian vet with her to rule out anything else, like organ failure or mites. The vet should be able to say something about her missing feathers, too.  I cannot say anything for sure because I have no medical training and i cannot really give qualified advice on this.
I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help