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Parrot - after birth (gross)

21 16:26:09

hi, well my grandmother has a 8 year old green female macaw, and has layed 2 eggs recently (unfortunately my nan squashed the first one - by accident). She has noticed that the after birth of the 2nd egg is different, she defined it as "black and a lot of blood" more than the last one. Could you explain what the after birth should look like (i know gross)
thank you

Hello Berine and thank you for your post.
If the bird has a bloody and dark "afterbirth", this is an indication that there is a health problem and should be seen by a Certified avian or an Exotic Animal Vet ASAP.
It is possible that your Grandmother's bird has a kidney infection (or some other underlying health issue that needs to be taken care of), but only a Certified Avian/Exotic Animal Vet can tell for sure.

Good luck and God Bless.