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21 16:23:44

Can two green-cheeked conures stay in the same cage? Also do they have to be the same gender if we do not want them to mate?

They can stay in the same cage, but they'll bond to each other and be less likely to be very friendly to their human (you).
 The same sex birds doesn't always guarentee they won't "mate". Birds will often decide a toy hanging in their cage is their best buddy and try to "mate" with that.  Eggs produced by females without fertilization from a male will just be 'eggs', like the eggs you buy in the stores from chickens.
 Check my page for more about how to discourage egg laying (which isn't good for the female) (click on 'birds')

Males don't have the egg laying problem, but can become pretty aggressive if defending their toy or territory.

Male and female birds can be discouraged from mating too and share a cage for a lifetime without a problem - just don't give them a nesting box and make sure the other steps outlined at my page are followed.

(I'd post it here, but there's just not enough room and I can't post pics)

Let me know if you need anything else ok?  And enjoy your conures! These are great birds!