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Mouse Sleeping in the open?

21 15:08:46

Its Emily with Lily, Molly, Pip, and Honey from up above again.
Lily and I have tried socializing with the other girls but Lily starts biting when one of the girls gets to close. Any other ideas?

Also Molly has been sleeping outside of her house and when shes in the house she sticks her head out of the holes and she sleeps like that. I find it odd, and it scares me when she sleeps in the open cuz i think shes dead and last thing I want is a back to back death.

Any advice?

-Emily, Lily, Molly, Pip, and Honey Bun from heaven.

Hi again,

Well... poor Lily will have to live alone if she can't get used to anyone. It is very unfair to another mouse to have to live with someone who might bite her at any time. But if the cages are close, they can smell and hear each other. They do chat in a higher frequency than we can hear.

I don't know why Molly is doing that. Maybe she has a little asthma and wants to have more air? Watch her carefully for signs of illness.

Squeaks n giggles,
