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My baby ferret bites!

21 10:54:33

i just got a baby ferret and have wanted one for close to 10 years now, so i was very excited about him. the only problem is that he bites... and he bites hard. i keep hearing and reading different ways to train him. some say a little smack on the nose and others say thats terrible, while others say to scruff... he hates to be scruffed and just trys to bite me afterwords anyway. i've bought the bitter apple and that seems to work (good for toes) but it wears and soon again im bleeding. i care about him very much and give him plenty of time to play and explore. i just don't know the best way to train him to stop all this biting business. please help! -stacy

Your ferret is only young and much like puppies, ferrets test the world with their mouths until they learn biting is not Ok with people.  They play VERY rough with other ferrets and don't always realize we get hurt easier.  That being said, with some ferrets time outs and scruffing only seem to initiate play, so they aren't always the best policy (with some they work wonders).  Often tapping on the nose can make the biting worse.  Since he is so young, I recommend
yelping very loudly when he bites.  If he bites you, don't give in.  Wait for him to give up, then continue to play or work with him.  Ex: if you pick him up and he bites you, don't put him down until he stops.  If you reach into his cage and he bites, don't move your hand until he stops.  I know it can hurt a bit, but as soon as you pull away, it is like saying "game on" and now he wants to chase.  Until he is a bit older (maybe 5-6 months) don't offer him many opportunities to bite.  My youngsters tend to bite toes, so I either walk in knowing my toes are about to be bitten and since I don't react, they soon give up or I wear shoes
that don't expose my toes.  Make sure he is getting enough enrichment and exercise too since too much stored energy may be leading to the biting.  Above all, be patient with him.  He want to play, but is learning how to play with a human and not another ferret!  With love, patience, and kind treat giving hands I have rehabilitated some serious biters.
PS - Bitter apple and similar products should never be sprayed into an animals mouth, only on the thing they are biting or chewing.  Also, if they like the taste, it doesn't work!  And like you said it can wear off!