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germon Shepherds ears

19 17:21:50

I have a Shepherd 9 months old ...Mother and Father both pure bread (fathers a king Shepherd).....Why havn't my dogs ears gone up ???

I am not sure I have seen a good explanation.  There is some speculation about nutrition.  Have you asked the breeder if the parents ears came up earlier as usual?  I can reassure you that I have heard of ears still coming up even as late as a year old, and there are very few dogs where they never come up.  

All I can say is feed it an adult food, little else, and hope for the best.  

Most of the Shepherds I see are part of a dog guide program and they nearly all have their ears up by 2-3 months.  They feed Pro Plan growth formula to 4-5 months and then Pro Plan adult.  The puppies don't get any supplements.  The program is much more concerned with joints than ears.