Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Collies > Skye


19 17:06:28

hi, i emailed you about 5 months ago asking about how to choose the right border collie for me! i now have a blue merle border collie called Skye she does have some minur problems e.g. she dosen't like other dogs much and if she is confronted with one she sticks her hackles up also if shes on the lead she snaps at them also i wondered if you would know how to syop her from head butting people she's crazy!!!!!!!! she's going to training classes on thursday

Hello Abby,

Congratulations on getting a new puppy.  You pup may overcome a lot of what you describe simply by taking the time to expose her to more dogs and people through classes.  Make sure you let your instructor know what she is doing so they can give you additional instructions.

Ann Jordan
Border Collie Coach