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seperation anxiety?

19 17:06:40

I don't know if you can help, but I'm desperate. My 1 1/2 year old collie mix and I just made a huge move from the mountains to Los Angeles. I now work during the day and attend college 3 nights a week. She at first was left at home with full range of the house but started progressivly chewing up little things she found, which i thought we had already overcome! It escaladed to destroying the house, so I had to put her in the laundry room (ok size) and placed plywood up so she would not scratch the walls. Now she has a rash on her belly that I'm not sure of the cause. I guess my question is, how do I keep her happy? She's use to going everywhere with me! Her parents were working ranch dogs and you can see right away how smart and alert she is. I'm worried she's unhappy because her life is so different now, we do not have a yard anymore or a ranch next door to run around in and the apartment is much smaller than our last house. Is there a way for her to become comfortable in this new lifestyle (laundry room)? Will she mellow with age? It seems like a lot of our training is disappearing too. She is overly excited when I get home and jumps up which she was always good at not doing. She pulls on the leash on our walks and demands a lot of attention when I'm home. I just want to do the right things since I'm responsible for who she will be as an adult dog.
Thank you for your time.

you probably need to get it some bones to chew on so it doesnt chew on other stuff. and when your off work take it for a walk to a park or just around. get it groomed that will make it feel special. if you have room put a dog run in your backyard or somewhere where she can run then she should feel a little happier and if she continues to do that talk to a vet and see what he thinks!  :{ im sorry if it doesnt work out i tried my best{: