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i want another collie

19 17:06:33


I have a beautiful 18 month collie dog, i am thinking of getting him a friend to play with.
Would you advise getting a puppy or a collie similar to his age, also what would be better another dog or a bitch?


Hello Christine,

It's funny you ask this question because many people do and my response is usually pretty unexpected.

I would not buy another dog just to give another dog a "friend to play with".  My dogs were each bought with the purpose of training, working and competition.  If you work your dog enough then he will not be bored or seem lonely.  Although my Border Collies did learn how to play ball and fetch, that was not their main responsibility.  They had so much to do that boredom was never an issue.  Therefore, I would not recommend getting a second dog as a friend for another.

I noticed you said you have a "collie dog".  I'm not sure which type of collie you have, but again, my recommendation stays the same.  Once you have more than one dog, you take on the responsibility of maintaining control over their animal instincts to dominate each other.  Buying a bitch would mean acquiring more responsibility on your part in pup raising or dominance issues once again.  They may or may not get along.  That's the chance you take.

So, before you buy another dog, determine what additional responsbilities you're willing to take on and go from there.  Also, reexamine why you bought the dog you have in the first place.  Is he your companion?  Or is he to be companioned?

Thank you again for your question.

Ann Jordan
Border Collie Coach