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19 17:06:22

Hi Ann I have a 2 year old border collie mix we've been trying to take him to local dog parks to have fun and get some exercise but every time we do he wants to pee on everything then he starts "foaming" at the mouth and doesn't want to socialize with any of the other dogs hes just a loner. When other dogs want to play with him or come to check him out he lunges at them at growls. We got him fixed because the vet said that this may reduce his aggressiveness towards other dogs but this didn't work. (we also did this because we weren't going to breed him). When he was a puppy we took him to "puppy parties" that were designed to get the puppies used to being around other dogs and he always did great. Then we enrolled him in obedience classes which he was at the top of his class. So how can you explain the foaming at the mouth while at the dog park?

Hello Brittney,

Perhaps a dog behavioralist would be better suited to answer this question.  However, in my humble opinion, your dog sounds like he is marking his territory at this particular park to establish dominance while he's there.

As a puppy, he probably did not care about that.  But now that he's grown, it is always on his mind.  Getting a dog fixed doesn't always help that issue.  Mostly, it is just to calm down a hyperactive dog.  It is not necessarily a cure for aggressiveness.

Controlling his aggressiveness might take some dominance training on your part.  If you want your dog to become more submissive, then you must take the role of the dominant leader.  His foaming at the mouth is probably just a sign of excitement or even nervousness when he's at the park.  It may be his way of dealing with stress.  Same goes for the peeing.

If you want further assistance with this, see my website:

Thank you for your question.

Ann Jordan
Border Collie Coach