Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Beagles > Beagle is afraid of going outside

Beagle is afraid of going outside

19 14:55:21

QUESTION: Hi there, my beagle is 18 months old and ever since I adopted him from the local shelter when he was 11 weeks old he has been terrified of going outside.  He has gotten a bit better about it but he doesn't like to stay out long and new people and loud noises scare him.  I can't even get him to walk to into the front yard.  Another problem that I have with him is that he behaves like he would outside, as in running around, inside the house.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

ANSWER: Hi thanks for reaching out and writing, this is very sad. Poor baby is so afraid, what a lot of world he has missed. Did you ever take him out when he was young with other dogs or people or to a dog park? Sounds like he has not been socialized at all and has just been in the house all the time. The running around in the house is normal, he is exercising in the only way he knows how, this is a positive sign that at least he isnt completely depressed. Even though my dogs are in and out by choice (doggie door) they still love to do what I call "spaz speed" in the house so it isnt abnormal in any way.

Now that he is 18 months old this is going to have to be a transition slowly into being socialized because if he has any negative episodes it will reinforce the fear and avoidance of the outside.

My best suggestion is that you call a trainer immediately, like today! and set up for some one on one sessions to get things going. This is a very difficult thing to explain to you in an email. It will take time, patience and effort and it is almost like when you are working with an abused dog but he may repsond faster if done correctly. But this must be done ASAP, this is not a normal life for him. Beagles are extremely active dogs and adore the outdoors. Please get him help right away  :(

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the advice!  He goes to the park when the weather is warm and we have another dog that he goes out with on a regular basis which seems to help a little.  We have already tried a professional trainer which didn't work out very well because he was afraid of her like he is with all new people.  He has made a little progress.  He actually went out into the front yard yesterday so we're hopeful.  We're working with him and being patient but just wanted to see if there were any other tips out there to help out.  Thanks again!

Only other thing I can offer is to use food treats readily to get the behavior you want. Beagles are usually very highly food driven as opposed to praise. I wish you the best of luck, still think a trainer is the answer, sounds like it just wasnt the right one. The right one would have been able to win him over.