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When do cats Breed

18 15:40:52

          I do hope you can help me. I live in the UK and am having some trouble finding a kitten and some people I have spoken to say that it is the wrong time of year and others say that they breed pretty much all year round and that they should without a doubt be breeding in March - April time. So if you could settle this for me I would be most grateful.                    
                  Many Thanks


The length and frequency of the heat cyles (also called ''oestrus cycle'' )depends upon many factors, such as environmental (temperature and the number of daylight hours), the queen's age and overall health, and her genetic background. Once a queen goes into oestrus, she may stay in heat for several days to 2-3 weeks. The majority of queens will cycle in and out of oestrus during the prime breeding season which is roughly from January through October,going into heat approximately every other week.
So yes, you can say that they breed almost all year round, but they show the more desire to breed usually on March, June and September. Their pregnancy period lasts about two months. So you may find it easier to get a kitten around May-june.

Best Regards,
Caglar Kondu Erkip, DVM