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Stocked Pond?

25 10:00:49

Good Day!

I was talking to the manager of my apartment the other day.  She has worked there for over 10 years.  When they first built my apartments, they discussed stocking the pond with fish but decided not to.  For the past 8 weeks, I've seen people fishing from this pond and getting some really big fish.  She said  no one knows where the fish are coming from.

Aside from people stocking the pond themselves...

Where do you think the fish came from? Do they just show up from the fish fairy? I know this may sound silly, but you know how when food rots in a fridge and you open it, and flies are in did they get there?

I am just wondering about the fish...

Hi Vic,
Thanx for your question.  I think I can answer both questions.  Did you know that fry (very small fish babies) can be transported through rain storms, suck up off of lakes and ponds and transported many miles away through windy rain?  The eggs of fish can be carried in the crops of water birds and deposited in lakes and ponds.  Someone may have let some minnows or small fish loose in the pond.  Fish eggs can be transported via a number of animals.  The pond can be fed even on a temporary basis by a stream or gulley that collects fish from overflow many miles away.  These are just a few of the possiblities.  No, I don't think there is a fish fairy.

Flies get in the fridge because most fruit caries eggs laid by fruit flies and other flying pests.  That's another reason to wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them.

I hope this helps.