Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > leaches


25 9:55:27

Hi Rhudy,
Could you tell me the best way of getting rid of leaches from a natural pond.

There are parasitic leeches and there are ones that just eat debris.  The debris-kind are much more common.  If you see leeches on fish or animals, then they're parasites.  The easiest way to get a lot of leeches from the pond without harm is to hang some meat on a string.  Pull it up after a day or so.  Leeches should be all over it, especially any parasitic ones.  Repeat that to remove more.  If you want something more drastic, various toxins like insecticides will kill them but are harmful for other animals and the environment.  I think it's better to control them if needed than to poison them all while harming other animals.  Good luck!