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pond frogs

25 9:55:04

I have a man made pond in my front garden.  I have a couple of Koi that I bring in for the winter.  We also have several frogs that have taken up residency.  This past spring when I cleaned out the pond to put the fish back I found acouple of dead frogs.  Can I bring the present frogs into our aquarium or justforget them

You can bring the frogs in and keep them warm and active, hibernate them indoors, hibernate them in the pond if it's deep enough, or relocate them to a pond that is deep enough.  I have a section on helping frogs to overwinter in the pond (I also used to have frogs die in the bottom of my 153 gallon pond before I added an air stone) and also how to bring them inside for the winter (either warm and active or cold and hibernating) at
Also, see if you want to try to overwinter them in the pond.  How big is the pond?  How deep is it?  What species of frog do you have?  Where do you live?  How big are the koi?  What do you overwinter them in?  There seem to be endless questions when it comes to our ponds and their denizens.

Good luck!