Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Transparent jelly-like worms

Transparent jelly-like worms

25 9:52:02

Hi, i have a small pond (150l)which has just matured and have just noticed a dozen or so transparent broad worm-like things clinging to the cord of my pump and one attatched to my banana lily.I have also noticed fast running beetles with brown and light brown colouration. I have seen them swim (once again very fast) and surface for oxygen. Will either of these things harm my fish (my fish are currently residing in their old pond)? I haven't added any plants aside from my banana lily and i live far away from any body of water,the rocks on the bottom i dug out of the ground (45cm deep)and thoroughly soaked and washed.
Any help is much appreciated, Bob.

The beetles shouldn't harm anything unless they overpopulate.  If their numbers get in the hundreds, their feces could be toxic.  That is still a stretch, so don't worry about them unless they get out of hand.

Usually, worms won't bring too much trouble.  It does depend, however, on what species they are.  They could be insect larvae, and not actually worms.  See if you can find a picture on the internet to help you identify exactly what they are.

All in all, I'd be worried about plants first, then fish, when it comes to bugs/worms.