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About goldfish

25 9:54:53

QUESTION: Will Gold fish survive in 40 degree Celsius?

ANSWER: Hi Padmanaban,
I cannot imagine any water climate at 40 degrees C. I know of no fish that can survive in that hot of a temperature for extended periods.  I'm curious as to why you would ask me such a question?

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Thanks for your immediate reply.  Sorry! I shoot U a wrong question.  My Question is Will Gold fish survive in hot weather where the temperature is 40 degree Celsius? For Example chennai Climate where mercury reaches 40 degress in summer.

Hi Padmanaban,
Thanx for clarifying.  I live in the Midwestern U.S. and summer temperatures are often above 100 F which is close to the 40 C of which you speak.  Most of the koi and goldfish will survive this type of climate as long as there is some kind of shade for them such as lily pad leaves or floating plants available.  Heavy bodied goldfish such as the lionhead and orandas undergo respiratory distress during extended periods of hot weather where the water becomes very warm and does not hold oxygen as well as cooler water so in a Hot climate, I would not recommend stocking my pond with heavy-bodied gold fish types.  I hope this helps.