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my fish is acting funny

23 16:45:04

my fish is 4 and a gold fish. he keeps swimming in circles ALOT. almost every hour is she trying to have fun??

Dear Sam,
I'm not sure!! :) Fish will do things just for fun, like some fish like to swim against a current in the aquarium created by a filter. And other fish like to race back and forth in short spurts.
Your goldfish could certainly be just doing something for exercise and/or fun.
But on a more serious side, we always want to make sure there is nothing wrong with the water. The best thing to do just to be sure, is test her water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. If you don't have test kits (a vital thing to have!!) or if in doubt, do a 30-50% water change just to be sure there isn't a water quality problem.

Whenever your Goldfish's behavior has changed from the usual, it's always important to make sure there is no water quality problem or disease coming on. Doing a water change is always the best thing as a precaution.

Hopefully though, your goldfish is just burning off some energy or simply feeling good.

Best wishes,