Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses Diet and Nutrition > 3 yr. old premolar fell out?

3 yr. old premolar fell out?

21 9:09:52

I was working with a little green broke mare who lost the first upper lt. premolar right after I put the bridle on her.  I thought that maybe it was an absessed tooth (it had an odor).  It bled a bit but she ate well and got a drink.  Since then she has put on more weight go figure.  Her owners haven't come out to check on her or sent a vet out so I was wondering if there is serious concern with this or should I watch and wait.?  Thank you for your help.

Dear Teresa,

My apologies for the delayed response.  As I am not a vet I am not really qualified to answer this but it sounds from what you say that the mare is not showing any problems after the loss of this tooth.  If she were mine I would watch her and cal the vet if anything concerns you.

Best regards,

Clair Thunes, PhD
Independent Equine Nutritionist,
Equilibrate Equine Consulting,