Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > HORSE WITH SCABBY NOSE


21 9:19:05

I am wondering if horses can get sore mouth like goats can.  My horse started with what looked like a chapped nostril however after a couple days, I noticed it is progressing around the inside of his nostril.  It is dry, cracked & scabby.  I have been cleaning it with an iodine shampoo the last couple days & put some vasaline on the scabs to soften them.  Wondering if you had ever heard of this before.


Hi Shellie -

Nose scabs and warts are fairly common on young horses.  I'm not sure how old your horse is.  If possible, email me a picture of it with some more information on your horse and that would help me give you a better answer.  Keeping it clean is a good idea but be careful with the iodine solution as iodine can be very caustic and actually stimulate too much new cell growth which could lead to proud flesh or healing beyond the actual normal skin level.  Clean water would be best :)  

If you can email a picture, please send it to

Thanks Shellie!