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Could my rabbit die trying to give birth?

22 11:19:38

I would like to ask a question about my rabbit, Hope.You see I thought both my dwarf rabbits were females, so for the last few days I've been letting them play together.They were getting along really well so I left them alone for a few hours while I did my home work.Today, I put them together and my rabbit, Cottontail just tryed to breed to Hope, my female rabbit.I checked Cottontail and he looks like a male to me (I'm not 100% sure though).He might of been trying to breed her yesterday too, when I was gone.Hope is a 3 year old, Netherland Dwarf and has NEVER had a litter in her life!I keep hearing on websites that female rabbits cannot give birth if they haven't been bred before they are a year old.I'm just wondering if you would know if Hope could die trying to give birth, if she is pregnant, and if there's some thing I can do?
Thank you for your time.

hi emily-dont worry , if she is pregnant she will be ok-you count 28-32 days from mating and 24 hrs before birth she may pluck hair from her chest, this is normal-one important thing -she must be on her own as the buck will probably kill any babies.