Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > wet under nose,not moving around,been very sunny and hot, still eating and drinking

wet under nose,not moving around,been very sunny and hot, still eating and drinking

22 11:18:02

my rabbit has a wet nose but not runny, still eating and drinking, he,s not bouncing around like he normally does, its been very hot and sunny,really worried, he doesnt want to move and when he does its very slow he just flops down then gets up and moves again, is he dying,

Your rabbit may indeed be having a heat-related reaction. Getting him cool would be the first thing to try. Rabbits have a low tolerance for high heat. The best thing to do would be to bring him inside if you have air conditioning. If not, freeze some plastic bottles of water and put them in his cage so he can lie next to them and lick them. If he is too lethargic to move over to them, hold him next to them for at least a half hour even if you have to put him on your lap. If he perks up and wants to get away from the ice, then you can put him and the bottles back in the cage. Ensure he has plenty of water to drink, preferably cool (not ice cold). I suggest a bowl of water in addition to a bottle (if he uses a bottle) to encourage extra water drinking. A fan breeze will help, especially if there are ice bottles in the cage.

If cooling doesn't help him, he may have a digestive or some other problem and will need to see a veterinarian. Good luck.