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drooping baby rabbit ears

22 10:58:12

Our baby rabbit has suddenly gotten droopy ears.  They were upright a few days ago.  It is healthy, playful, runs around the house, and seems in good health.  It is not tilting its head, or shaking it. Is this just weak cartilage? Or could it be from petting it on it's head.  Our 3 year old rabbit, got one droopy ear when it was young, and has stayed that way.  The baby has both ears flopping in the breeze, they lay out.  Any help you can give me would be great.  Both rabbits are house rabbits with full roam over 1/2 of the house, the older one is allowed to come and go outside as she pleases.  The baby is to young and little yet.

Dear Vicki,

Your baby bunny is probably a lop breed.  The ears don't begin to droop until the bunny is about 6-8 weeks old.  So if he's that age, he's right on schedule.  If he doesn't have full lop genetics, the ears may droop a little later.

As long as he's not scratching or shaking his head, this isn't a health problem--though some suspect that lops are more prone to ear infections (so keep a good lookout!).  It's just his genes.

Hope that helps.
