Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My rabbit is not eating before or after giving birth!!!

My rabbit is not eating before or after giving birth!!!

22 9:56:15

My rabbit just gave birth for her first time and didnt eat for 3 days before hand,but I heard they do that sometimes so I wasn't to concerned. But she hasnt been pooping as much nor drinking very much either. She also is allergic to the dust in the hay so we don't give her much of it. She produced 3 healthy looking babys at the time but didnt pull any hair out, nor create a nest at all. We tried to care for them and keep them warm but there throats i noticed swelled alittle bit and they looked like they gasped for air and sadly died quickly. But the mom still hasnt eaten nor hardly drank anything. We gave her a little pineapple juice. But she seems like herself we are just concerned because she hasnt eaten in awhile. Please write back soon I need your help!!! Thanks!!! -Erica

Dear Erica,

Any time a rabbit refuses to eat or drink, it is cause for concern.  Please read:

and if she still is not producing poop or wanting to eat, please read:

Giving birth should not cause this type of change in her eating habits, and I don't agree that not eating for three days beforehand is normal.  Please get her to a good rabbit vet right away:

Time is of the essence if she's not eating, as it says in my instructions.  Please get her to a good vet.
