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Ill rabbit

22 9:44:58

My rabbit was in perfect health until his cage was attacked by a dog we found him wet and upset but was not bitten. He started not wanting to run around, he ate less and his skin became awful. The vet said it was stress and he was over grooming. He was given an antibiotic, flea stuff, was wormed and given a painkiller. He has got worse, his legs are weak and like bone. He finds it hard at times to get to his feet. I returned to the vet and he said its cancer put him down but he was great till the dog attack, i can not believe its not related. I brought him home but i do not want him to suffer. What else could it be, the vet will not do an x ray he said no point.

Dear Heather,

What I would do is get him to another vet!  Please find one via the international listings here:

This doesn't sound like cancer.  But the bunny could be suffering from stress-related ileus.  Please see:

An enema will work wonders if your bunny's GI tract has shut down.  Instructions are in the article above.  Please also see:

I hope he will be better soon.
