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itching from my bird

21 16:30:50

I have a blue headed Pionus, holding my bird makes me itch and my girlfriend too.  Sometimes I have to keep my bird in its cage when the itching gets bad.  I have 2 sons in there early 20s, they never itch when holding the bird or at any other time.  I wonder if the dander of the Pionus and the musk like smell they have can use this kind of reaction with certain people.  I have taken my bird for a check up and it had a clean bill of health.  I am considering finding a good home for my bird because of the itching.  Any Advise?  Thanks

If you just have a slight allergic reaction to your bird then you could try taking antihistamines to try to prevent this. If you give your bird away keep in mind you may be allergic to other animals and probably shouldnt get any more pets before getting tested to see if you are allergic to them. Its not the smell you are allergic to its the dust and the actual bird itself. How long have you had the bird for? Its up to you to decide what you want to do, but you might want to consult your doctor before making any decisions