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B & G stopped talking

21 16:17:44

My B & G is 10 years old and has an extensive vocabulary.  However, since around the time the time changed he has almost completely ceased talking.  I have made no changes other than the type of litter in the bottom of his cage.  He also appears to be molting.  This is my first large bird so Im not as knowledgeable as I would like to be.  He make a muffled squawk noise and then quickly lifts one wing or the other.  He doesnt seem happy.  We take him outside when we can (depending on temperature) and he is out of his cage for hours every day as always.  Can you please help shed some light on what might be bothering my pet?

Thank you so much for any info you can provide.  I have an appointment with his vet but he cannot see him til next week.


I'd like to see you make the vet visit more of an urgent care visit than waiting until next week.
 When you describe the loss of vocals (disinterest in vocalizing as usual) and the wing flap with quiet squawk it's often indicative of a bird really not feeling well.
 Bird issues advance rather quickly and by the time the symptoms are more pronounced, the problem is usually more complicated to treat - and most expensive.

 There are any number of things this could be, from a relatively easy infection somewhere to a more serious condition like liver disease.  

 You'll need to review everything you feed your macaw to be sure diet isn't contributing to the problem.  Macaws can tolerate slightly more fatty diets than other birds, but we're talking about a single peanut a day and maybe 3 sunflower seeds ( a day).  We don't allow our birds to have sunflower seeds at all.
 Take a look here for more about ideal nutrition and environment (including pics of in house macaws)

Still, please get your companion seen sooner than next week.  It's really important.

 Good luck and God bless,